Meeting Resources

Special Town Council Meeting

Meeting of the Voters

October 23, 2023


The Town has received a citizens petition pursuant to Section 8-9 of the Town Charter requesting a meeting of the voters. Working collaboratively with the proponents of the petition, the Town Council President, Vice President and Town Manager have agreed to hold an in person meeting on Monday, October 23, 2023, from 6:00 – 9:00PM at Barnstable High School. The citizen’s petition has identified five topics relating to the Park City Wind and Commonwealth Wind offshore wind projects, and those will be the topics discussed at the meeting. 

In an effort to be mindful of resources, please click on the links below to access digital copies of supporting resources:

 2023-10-23 Meeting Agenda with Glossary of Terms

New England Wind 2 Connector – Draft Environmental Impact Report (EEA #16611)

New England Wind Connector 2 DEIR – Town of Barnstable Comment Letter