Phase 1 Projects
Phase 1 consists of 18 individual sewer expansion collection system projects that will result in roughly 90 miles of new sewer infrastructure.
Phase 1 Implementation Update
The Town of Barnstable continues to aggressively implement the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP). The CWMP is a 30-year plan which will be implemented in three, 10-year phases to address the various wastewater needs of the community. Since 2018, the Town Council has appropriated over $270 Million in support of projects identified in the Plan. This includes the Town Council’s most recent appropriation of $109 Million for the Water Pollution Control Division’s infrastructure (sewer collection system and treatment plant), which will enable the construction of a new headworks facility and upgraded nitrogen removal technology that will ulitmately bring the next generation of wastewater treatment to the heart of Barnstable.
As outlined in the CWMP’s Special Review Procedures, the CWMP includes five different types of projects: sewer system expansion projects, treatment plant improvements, effluent disposal improvements, non-traditional solutions and inter-municipal partnerships. Below you will find an update for each of the active sewer system expansion projects, including its current status and relevant construction updates.
Phase 1 Sewer Expansion Collection System Projects
Currently, the Town is operating within Phase 1 (0-10 Years) of the CWMP. Phase 1 consists of 18 individual sewer collection system projects, and additional sewer extensions, that will result in roughly 90 miles of new sewer infrastructure. Once complete, Phase 1 will remove approximately 44% of the nitrogen impacting our waters.
Click the button below and use the Property Look-Up Tool to determine if your property is located on an anticipated sewer expansion route, proposed under Phase 1 of the CWMP.
Anticipated Phase 1 Sewer Expansion Project Schedule
Currently 3 of the 18 sewer collection system projects identified in Phase 1 have been completed on time and on budget, with the first connection into the newly expanded municipal sewer system successfully completed in May 2024. The schedule produced for Phase 1 is a planning level schedule, which is intended to be adaptive and thus is subject to change. In addition, construction projects involve inherent variables that can result in delays to projects, such as supply chain issues, utility company delays, and more. The Town of Barnstable Department of Public Works will continue to communicate schedules and modifications as they arise.
Project Status & Construction Updates
Click through each sewer expansion project currently included within Phase 1 of the CWMP for a high-level summary, anticipated project timeline and relevant construction updates.
Phase 1 Progress
Percentage of Phase 1 Projects in Active Planning, Design, Construction or Complete
Strawberry Hill Road Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Completed on time and on budget. First connections for a portion of the project route have commenced and currently 151 parcels, equaling 220 individual residents, are eligible to connect to municipal sewer. The first residential property connection into the newly expanded municipal sewer system was successfully completed in May 2024.
Project Summary: The project involves the construction of approximately 20,500 LF of gravity sewer, 6,400 LF of sewer force main, replacement of approximately 4,000 LF of water main and the installation of one new submersible pump station on a Town-controlled easement at 528 Craigville Beach Road.
The infrastructure is being installed along the Vineyard Wind Project upland duct bank route and the project includes new sewers in the following roadways: Craigville Beach Road from Covell’s Beach to Strawberry Hill Road; Strawberry Hill Road from Craigville Beach Road to Wequaquet Lane; Wequaquet Lane; Phinney’s Lane from Wequaquet Lane to Route 132; and West Main Street from Pleasant Park Avenue to Strawberry Hill Road. The Town has closely coordinated with Vineyard Wind through the design process and now into construction in order to minimize disruption to the community and realize cost savings for the Town.
The project is anticipated to provide sewer service to approximately 215 new properties and remove approximately 4.6 kg/day of nitrogen from the Centerville River Watershed upon completion.
Route 28 East Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Post construction paving and restoration complete. Sewer connections anticipated to be available by the end of the 2024 calendar year.
Construction Update: Final paving and restoration is complete.
Phinney’s Lane Sewer Pump Station: MassDEP Testing Completed.
Project Summary: The Project will expand sewer westerly along Route 28 to the intersection of Route 28 and Phinneys Lane. The project includes the installation of approximately 11,000 LF of new sewers within Route 28, Phinney’s Lane, and West Main Street. The project also includes the construction of a new pump station to be located at the Town owned property at 1456 Falmouth Road, and approximately 12,000 LF of sewer force mains from the new pump station to the WPCF. The pump station and force mains has been designed to eventually serve the majority of the of the western sewer expansion (more than 7,000 properties). The project also includes modifications at the WPCF to accommodate the new force mains.
Centerville Village Sewer Expansion - North Phase
Project Status: Due to uncertainties with the proposed Park City Wind project, in March 2024, the Town Council approved the recommendation to adapt the Centerville Village project creating two phases – a North and South. This approval also resulted in an approved appropriation to fund construction of the expedited North Phase allowing the Town to secure State Revolving Funds (SRF) and benefit from the principal subsidy available through the Cape and Islands Water Protection Fund.
The North Phase of this project will sewer a portion of Route 28, Old Stage Road and Shootflying Hill Road, with the Mother’s Park Pump Station and surrounding properties included as an alternate, pending Article 97 legislative approval. Construction bids were opened in May 2024. The Town awarded the contract to C.C. Construction Inc. Pre-Construction activities are anticipated in December 2024, with sewer construction beginning in January 2025.
Project Summary: Ultimately, this project expedites roadways along the proposed Park City Wind on-shore duct bank installation route. Similar to the collaboration of the Strawberry Hill Road Project with the Vineyard Wind Project, the Town will be coordinating with Park City Wind to install sewer infrastructure along the route to minimize construction disruption, coordinate utility corridors and realize significant cost savings.
Click here to watch recent Town of Barnstable public outreach presentations to learn more about the Centerville Village Sewer Expansion Project and post-construction restoration initiatives.
Centerville Village Sewer Expansion - South Phase
Project Status: Due to uncertainties with the proposed Park City Wind project, in March 2024, the Town Council approved the recommendation to adapt the Centerville Village project creating two phases – a North and South.
The South Phase of this project is proposed to sewer Main Street, Centerville and portions of Craigville Beach Road. The Town continues to advance the sewer design as well as efforts to site potential pump station locations and associated easement options.
Project Summary: Ultimately, this project expedites roadways along the proposed Park City Wind on-shore duct bank installation route. Similar to the collaboration of the Strawberry Hill Road Project with the Vineyard Wind Project, the Town will be coordinating with Park City Wind to install sewer infrastructure along the route to minimize construction disruption, coordinate utility corridors and realize significant cost savings.
Click here to watch recent Town of Barnstable public outreach presentations to learn more about the Centerville Village Sewer Expansion Project and post-construction restoration initiatives.
Route 28 West Sewer Expansion
Project Status: In design, construction anticipated to commence in 2025. Project was ranked #3 in the 2024 Draft Clean Water Fund Intended Use Plan (IUP). In April 2024, the Town Council approved a $59 Million appropriation to fund construction of the Route 28 West Sewer Expansion Project.
Project Summary: extend municipal sewer on Route 28 from Phinney’s Lane to Route 149 in Marstons Mills, including Old East Osterville Road, Oldham Road, portions of Osterville-West Barnstable Road, and Bumps River Road. Ultimately, this project acts as the backbone of the plan’s westward expansion, allowing for sewer expansion within the Three Bays and Popponesset Bay Watersheds.
Also included in this project would be the decommissioning of the Marstons Mills Wastewater Treatment Plant (MMWWTP) with conveyance of the plants service area back to the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF). The project will include the construction of over 27,000 LF of new sewers, install five new sewer pump stations, connect approximately 233 properties to municipal sewer, collect approximately 50,000 gallons of wastewater per day, and remove approximately 5.0 kg/day of nitrogen.
Phinney's Lane Sewer Expansion
Project Status: In design, construction anticipated to commence in 2025.
Project Summary: The project will extend sewer into the residential neighborhoods on the east and west side of Phinney’s Lane, which will tie into the sewer infrastructure constructed along Phinney’s Lane
as part of the Strawberry Hill Road and Route 28 East projects.
The Phinney’s Lane project will also extend sewer to the commercial area along Route 132 between Attucks Lane and Phinney’s Lane, leveraging the sewer pump station that was installed through a public private partnership at the Cape Cod Five Headquarters.
The project will connect approximately 590 parcels to municipal sewer, thereby removing 9.7 kg/day of nitrogen from the Centerville River Watershed. Many of these properties are also in close proximity to Wequaquet Lake, and therefore the project is expected to improve water quality in the Lake.
Great Marsh/Shootflying Hill Road Road Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey, construction anticipated to commence in 2028.
Project Summary: This project will expand sewer to properties located on the residential roadways off of Great Marsh Road and Shootflying Hill Road. This project would leverage the sewer infrastructure installed to reduce nutrient loading in the Centerville River Watershed as well as to Lake Wequaquet.
The southern half of the project area has been identified as a needs area for nitrogen removal within the Centerville River Watershed by Massachusetts Estuaries Program (MEP) modeling. Additionally, many residences in this project area are located in close proximity to Wequaquet Lake and are completely dependent upon on-site solutions to address their wastewater needs. Many properties close to the lake have high groundwater, making replacing on-site septic systems very expensive. In recent years, Lake Wequaquet has experienced declining water quality. As a result, the project area was identified as a needs area for nitrogen removal and pond protection.
Long Pond Area Sewer Expansion
Project Status: In design, construction anticipated to commence in 2027.
Project Summary: The project will extend sewer into the residential areas adjacent to Long Pond, Centerville. The project will connect approximately 520 parcels to municipal sewer, thereby removing approximately 9.5 kg/day of nitrogen from the Centerville River Watershed. Many of these properties are also in close proximity to Long Pond, and therefore the project is expected to improve water quality in the Pond.
Long Beach Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey, construction anticipated to commence in 2027.
Project Summary: This project will install approximately 2.5 miles of sewers, connect approximately 160 properties to municipal sewer, collect approximately 31,000 gallons per day of wastewater and remove approximately 3.1 kg/day of nitrogen.
Old Yarmouth Road Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey, construction anticipated to commence in 2028.
Project Summary: The project will extend sewer to the north of Route 28 and east of Yarmouth Road providing municipal sewer to businesses and residences on Yarmouth Road, Old Yarmouth Road, Joaquim Road, Bodick Road, and Ferndoc Street. Businesses and residences in this area are completely dependent on on-site solutions to address their wastewater, which has restricted economic growth in the area.
This project will connect approximately 130 properties to municipal sewer and
remove approximately 2.2 kg/day of nitrogen from the Lewis Bay Watershed.
Old Craigville Road Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey, construction anticipated to commence in 2030.
Project Summary: The project will expand sewer to properties located on Old Craigville Road and adjacent neighborhoods. The properties served will feed to the infrastructure to be installed as part of the Strawberry Hill Road Sewer Expansion Project. The northern portions of the project area have been identified as a needs area for nitrogen removal within the Centerville River Watershed by Massachusetts Estuaries Program (MEP) modeling as well as drinking water well protection
(COMM Water supply wells). The southerly portion of the project area has been identified as a needs area for pond protection as residences in this area are located in close proximity to Red Lily Pond and Lake Elizabeth and are completely dependent upon on-site solutions to address their wastewater.
This project will connect approximately 440 properties to municipal sewer and remove approximately 4.9 kg/day of nitrogen from the Lewis Bay Watershed.
Osterville Woods Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey anticipated to commence in 2025.
Project Summary: The project may connect approximately 328 properties to municipal sewer helping to remove nitrogen from both the Centerville River Watershed and Three Bays Watershed.
South County Road Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey anticipated to commence in 2026.
Project Summary: The project may connect approximately 150 properties to municipal sewer helping to remove nitrogen from the Three Bays Watershed.
Prince Cove Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey anticipated to commence in 2027.
Project Summary: The project may connect approximately 150 properties to municipal sewer helping to remove nitrogen from the Three Bays Watershed.
Huckins Neck Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey anticipated to commence in 2027.
Project Summary: The project may connect approximately 150 properties to municipal sewer helping to remove nitrogen from the Centerville River Watershed.
Lumbert Mill Sewer Expansion
Project Status: Preliminary design & survey anticipated to commence in 2028.
Project Summary: The project may connect approximately 350 properties to municipal sewer helping to remove nitrogen from the Centerville River Watershed.
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