With sewer construction set to begin this fall, the Town of Barnstable is stepping up efforts to inform Centerville property owners and visitors about the Strawberry Hill Road sewer expansion project.

Town of Barnstable Strawberry Hill Rd. CWMP Project Team
Paul Ruszala, P.E., Senior Project Manager and Construction Inspector Stephan Porter
Detailed information has been mailed to roughly 300 property owners along the Strawberry Hill Road sewer route. The mailing explains what to expect during construction and requests owners’ input on siting the sewer connection to their property.
In the coming weeks, Department of Public Works staff will walk door to door along the sewer route to distribute project information and answer questions. The Town is inviting interested property owners along the sewer route to participate in an email alert system for updates on construction schedules and detours.
Construction schedules, detours and other project information will be posted on the Town’s BarnstableWaterResources.com website and will be broadcast on Channel 18 and the Town of Barnstable and Police Department Facebook pages.
Construction will be coordinated with the Vineyard Wind cable project to minimize disruptions and save costs.
The Strawberry Hill Road project is part of Barnstable’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan to ensure the health of coastal waters, ponds and drinking water. Town officials have held more than 100 community meetings about sewer expansion plans.
Anyone with a question about the project may contact Senior Project Manager Paul Ruszala at paul.ruszala@town.barnstable.ma.us or 508-790-6400.