The Old Yarmouth Road project is a conceptual plan and is currently not funded. The plan includes installing gravity sewer in the Old Yarmouth Road “triangle” area. Just south of Old Yarmouth Road is the location of the Hyannis Water District’s Maher Wellfield. Sewering is needed to accommodate future economic development in the area and the protection of the Maher Wellfield from potential contaminants. MassDOT will be working onintersection improvements at Iyannough Road (Route 28) and Yarmouth Road which will consist of intersection reconstruction and traffic signal upgrades. During the improvements the Town will be installing sewer pipe within the project limits, taking advantage of the opened road. The Town is also working with property owners and developers in the area to establish a public/private partnership to install sewer infrastructure. As of the writing of this document, Town Council has appropriated $750,000 for the installation of the sewer infrastructure as part of the MassDOT Project.