Traffic Updates
Review current roadwork impacts and necessary road closures associated with construction projects across the Town of Barnstable.
Real-Time Road Closures and Traffic Management
The Town of Barnstable’s Waze for Cities Partnership allows us to report construction-related road closures and traffic impacts in real-time. Click on the Waze Live Map to expand your view of current traffic conditions.
WHERE: Sewer construction on Shootflying Hill Road, as part of the Centerville Village Sewer Expansion Project – North Phase.
WHEN: Starting Monday, March 3, 2025. Construction will occur Monday through Friday, from approximately 7:00AM to 4:00PM, weather permitting. This traffic pattern is anticipated to remain in place through May.
TRAFFIC IMPACT: Shootflying Hill Road to be closed to thru traffic from Great Marsh Road to Service Road during construction hours. Throughout construction, residents and first responders will continue to have access to properties along the project route
Latest News
Craigville Beach – Article 97 Alternatives Analysis
As part of the Town of Barnstable’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP), the Town is seeking Legislative approval for proposed alterations to he existing paved parking lot of Craigville Beach in the Village of Centerville. Public comments will be accepted until 12:00PM EST on Thursday, September 7, 2023.
Mother’s Park: Request for Public Comment
As part of the Town of Barnstable’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP), the Town is seeking Legislative approval for proposed alterations to Mother’s Park, Centerville. Public comments will be accepted until close of business on Monday, May 15, 2023.
Sewer Expansion Transitions to Route 28 (Falmouth Road)
Starting Monday, April 3, 2023, through Friday, May 25, 2023, sewer construction will transition into the Route 28 roadway. Construction within the state highway will occur during the hours of 8:30AM to 5:00PM, weather permitting. Posted detours will be in place, supported by onsite traffic control to direct motorists.
Update on Sewer Expansion in Centerville Village
On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, Town Engineer, Griffin Beaudoin, P.E., provided an overview of the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP) before sharing a brief status update for each of the active projects currently included within Phase 1 of the 30-year sewer expansion plan.
Real-Time, Accurate Traffic Management with Waze
We get it, traffic is frustrating. That’s why, as a Waze for Cities Partner, we now share real-time road closures and re-openings directly within the Waze platform. Before heading out the door, review current road closures and detours via your Waze App or directly on the Waze Live Map.
Sewer Installation Approaches Route 28
As sewer installation approaches the intersection of Strawberry Hill Road and Route 28, traffic management plans will adapt to support a safe working environment, while also addressing local traffic needs.